ar asteroid game

Innovate classic game in new technology

Asteroid Game

In AR Asteroids, players are thrust into an outer space setting, tasked with protecting Earth from a barrage of asteroids and UFO saucers, earning points and mystery prizes for their efforts.

AR Asteroids revitalizes the beloved classic arcade game by propelling it into the augmented reality (AR) space, offering players an immersive experience that blends the nostalgia of blasting asteroids with the cutting-edge technology of AR.


AR Gameplay 🎮

Utilizes AR to immerse players in a 3D outer space scene, overlaying gameplay elements directly onto the real-world environment through the player's mobile device camera.

Engaging Audio and Visual Feedback 🔈

Enhances the gaming experience with satisfying audio cues for shooting, hitting targets, and explosions, coupled with visual feedback for actions like asteroid destruction and health item collection.

UFO Encounters and Mystery Prizes 🛸

Adds variety and excitement with the inclusion of UFOs that challenge players with different movement patterns and attacks, rewarding players with mystery boxes containing health items upon destruction.

Health and Survival Mechanics ❤️‍🩹

Introduces a dual health bar system for both the player and Earth, requiring players to defend not only themselves but also their home planet from asteroid impacts and UFO attacks.

Technical highlights

In developing 'Asteroids AR,'I leveraged the capabilities of Unity and the versatility of C# scripting to bring this classic game into the augmented reality domain.

Unity's AR Foundation framework served as the cornerstone, enabling us to seamlessly integrate AR functionalities across Android and iOS platforms.

Through custom C# scripts, we implemented dynamic asteroid spawning, real-time motion-based player interaction, and an intuitive shooting mechanic that utilizes touch inputs for an immersive gameplay experience.