
  • Tea House Scene 🫖

    The 2020 State of the World’s Plants and Fungi Report found that 39.4% of the world’s plants are now threatened with extinction. People living in the city, gradually ignored the role of plants in the earth’s ecological environment due to the busy city life.

  • Tea Market in USA 🍵

    There are 30+ traditional eastern style tea houses in New York and the Bay area where is highly diverse and multicultural.Trends include sustainability and ethical sourcing, innovation in tea formats and blends, and the rise of premium tea experiences.

  • Third Space 🩵

    Take Starbucks as an example: “They provide free wifi, great music, great service, warm atmosphere and provide an environment of community meeting spot, which forms a wider part of the ‘Starbucks Experience’.

    Make it a ‘third place’ besides home and work.”

tea treats

In ancient times, tea treats were also known as "tea fruits." They were served alongside tea, and this practice became popular during the Tang Dynasty.

Today, tea snacks are a staple in tea houses. They come in a rich variety, are meticulously crafted, and excel in color, aroma, taste, and presentation. They have become another prominent aspect of tea culture.

“Green tea with sweet,

Aged tea with salty,

Red tea with sour,

White tea with mild.”



visual elements
